Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis
- Lab Address: 4th km Ptolemais-Mpodosakeion Road, Ptolemais 50200, GREECE
- Process Modeling and CFD teams Address: 52 Egialias Str, Marousi 151 25, GREECE
Established more than 2 decades ago, the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is ranked 1st in Greece and 14th among the distinguished European research Centers. CERTH is internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary research on climate change, sustainable energy, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, Internet of Things, holistic approaches to healthcare and nutrition, autonomous vehicles smart cities of the future and circular economy. CERTH is essentially a self-supported Research Centre generating an average annual turnover of ~ € 40 Million (average of the last three years) coming from: bilateral industrial research contracts at 14%, competitive research projects at 74% and government institutional funding at 12%. It is one of the top research and development employers for highly qualified personnel in the South Eastern Europe, as more than 1300 people work at CERTH with the majority being engineers and scientists. CERTH is organized in five (5) institutes one of which is the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute – CPERI. CPERI has expanded in the last 5 years and has generated an average annual turnover of 10 Million Euro, the majority of which coming from competitive research projects at 65%, and bilateral industrial research contracts at 35%.
Partner’s role in HAlMan
- CERTH is leading WP6 on environmental and social sustainability. Moreover, CERTH participates actively in testing of battery materials (T5.4) by a variety of characterization methods for MnO oxide powders. Finally, CERTH will conduct transient computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of coupled gas-solid phase reactions associated with pre-reduction of Mn ores by H2 (T4.1).
CERTH facilities